Membership eligibility
All students who are matriculated at the ETHZ, UZH, ZHAW, PHZH, ZHdK are members of the ASVZ. Employees of the same universities and alumni (graduates) from all universities are also eligible to be members.
Below you will find the detailed conditions for the various categories of membership eligibility. The ASVZ is not open to the general public, so anyone who is not affiliated with one of the participating universities cannot purchase a membership.
Costs: CHF 35.- per semester
The membership is paid with your semester fee (Bachelor (BSc, BA), Master (MSc, MA), Doctor (PhD)*
With your valid student login Switch AAI with the affiliation "student" you are entitled to use the sports facilities and participate in our entire sports program (registration with Switch AAI Login: ASVZ counter). Please take note of our general terms and conditions.
* Only students in undergraduate/graduate studies (meaning no MAS Master of Advanced Studies / CAS Certificate of Advanced Studies students)
Costs: CHF 425.- per year
Membership: MAS/MBA at ETHZ, UZH, PHZH, ZHAW, ZHdK*
The membership can be bought/extended online or at the ASVZ info desk in our Sport Center Polyterrasse or Winterthur. Please take note of our general terms and conditions.
What you need to purchase a membership:
- MAS/MBA-student certificate
- personal identification document (ID, passport, driver's license)
- photo/selfie
Here you will find the online application form.
* further education students (CAS, DAS) are not eligible
Costs: CHF 70.- per year
The membership can be bought/extended online or at the ASVZ info desk in our Sport Center Polyterrasse or Winterthur. Please take note of our general terms and conditions.
What you need to purchase a membership:
- valid student card with printed ASVZ sign
- personal identification document (ID, passport, driver's license)
- photo/selfie
Here you will find the online application form.
Costs: none (you benefit from reciprocity)
With your valid student login Switch AAI with the affiliation "student" you are entitled to use the sports facilities and participate in our entire sports program (registration with Switch AAI Login: ASVZ counter). Please take note of our general terms and conditions.
Only students in undergraduate/graduate studies (meaning no MAS, MBA, CAS, DAS)
Costs: CHF 425.- per year
The membership can be bought/extended online or at the ASVZ info desk in our Sport Center Polyterrasse or Winterthur. Please take note of our general terms and conditions.
What you need to purchase a membership:
- valid student card*
- personal identification document (ID, passport, driver's license)
- photo/selfie
Here you will find the online application form for swiss universities of applied sciences.
Here you will find the online application form for swiss open universities sciences.
* Only students in undergraduate/graduate studies (meaning no MAS, MBA, CAS, DAS)
Costs: CHF 425.- per year / CHF 150.- for 3 months
The membership can be bought/extended online or at the ASVZ info desk in our Sport Center Polyterrasse or Winterthur. Please take note of our general terms and conditions.
What you need to purchase a membership:
- valid student card*
- personal identification document (ID, passport, driver's license)
- photo/selfie
12 month: Here you will find the online application form.
3 month: Here you will find the online application form.
* Only students in undergraduate/graduate studies (meaning no MAS, MBA, CAS, DAS)
Costs: CHF 300.- per year
The membership can be bought/extended online (Switch AAI Login) or at the ASVZ info desk in our Sport Center Polyterrasse or Winterthur. Please take note of our general terms and conditions.
If the membership is purchased at the info desk, the valid ETHZ card must be presented. The membership will be displayed in the ASVZ app from the start date of the membership, provided you are logged in to the the app and have uploaded a portrait photo.
- Employees who are also enrolled in a university degree programme do not need to purchase membership for ETHZ employees, as membership for students is acquired automatically and invoiced as part of the semester fees.
- End of contract at ETH: If your contract at ETH ends and your Switch AAI Login is deactivated you can get an ASVZ ID via e-mail ( for the remaining period. Please inform us about your new e-mail adress.
Guests and academic guests
- 12 months 300.-
- 6 months 170.-
- 3 months 85.-
The membership can be bought/extended online or at the ASVZ info desk in our Sport Center Polyterrasse or Winterthur. Please take note of our general terms and conditions.
What you need to purchase a membership:
- personal identification document (ID, passport, driver's license)
- valid ETH card
- E-mail "Confirmation of guest stay at ETH Zurich / Bestätigung Gastaufenthalt an der ETH Zürich"
- photo/selfie
Here you will find the online application form for 12 months.
Here you will find the online application form for 6 months.
Here you will find the online application form for 3 months.
Retired employees
Costs: CHF 300.- per year
The membership can be bought/extended online or at the ASVZ info desk in our Sport Center Polyterrasse or Winterthur. Please take note of our general terms and conditions.
What you need to purchase a membership:
- confirmation of retirement
- personal identification document (ID, passport, driver's license)
- photo/selfie
Here you will find the online application form.
The existing membership can be extended via ASVZ counter (login with your ASVZ-ID) withouth having to submit the documents again.
Costs: CHF 300.- per year
The membership can be bought/extended online or at the ASVZ info desk in our Sport Center Polyterrasse or Winterthur. Please take note of our general terms and conditions.
What you need to purchase a membership:
- employee card/confirmation of employment/guest confirmation
- personal identification document (ID, passport, driver's license)
- photo/selfie
Here you will find the online application form EAWAG-employees.
Here you will find the online application form EMPA-employees.
Here you will find the online application form PSI-employees.
Here you will find the online application form for WSL-employees.
Retired employees
Costs: CHF 300.- per year
The membership can be bought/extended online or at the ASVZ info desk in our Sport Center Polyterrasse or Winterthur. Please take note of our general terms and conditions.
What you need to purchase a membership:
- confirmation of retirement
- personal identification document (ID, passport, driver's license)
- photo/selfie
Here you will find the online application form.
The existing membership can be extended via ASVZ counter (login with your ASVZ-ID) withouth having to submit the documents again.
Costs: CHF 300.- per year
The membership can be bought/extended online (Switch AAI Login) or at the ASVZ info desk in our Sport Center Polyterrasse or Winterthur. Please take note of our general terms and conditions.
If the membership is purchased at the info desk, the valid UZH card must be presented. The membership will be displayed in the ASVZ app from the start date of the membership, provided you are logged in to the the app and have uploaded a portrait photo.
- Employees who are also enrolled in a university degree programme do not need to purchase membership for UZH employees, as membership for students is acquired automatically and invoiced as part of the semester fees.
- End of contract at UZH: If your contract at UZH ends and your Switch AAI Login is deactivated you can get an ASVZ ID via e-mail ( for the remaining period. Please inform us about your new e-mail adress.
Academic guests
- 12 months 300.-
- 6 months 170.-
- 3 months 85.-
The membership can be bought/extended online or at the ASVZ info desk in our Sport Center Polyterrasse or Winterthur. Please take note of our general terms and conditions.
What you need to purchase a membership:
- valid UZH guestcard (UZH Accesscard is not valid)
- personal identification document (ID, passport, driver's license)
- photo/selfie
Here you will find the online application form for 12 months.
Here you will find the online application form for 6 months.
Here you will find the online application form for 3 months.
Retired employees
Costs: CHF 300.- per year
The membership can be bought/extended online or at the ASVZ info desk in our Sport Center Polyterrasse or Winterthur. Please take note of our general terms and conditions.
What you need to purchase a membership:
- confirmation of retirement
- personal identification document (ID card, passport, driver's license)
- photo/Selfie
Here you will find the online application form.
The existing membership can be extended via ASVZ counter (login with your ASVZ-ID) withouth having to submit the documents again.
Employee ZHAW
Costs: CHF 300.- per year
The membership can be bought/extended online or at the ASVZ info desk in our Sport Center Polyterrasse or Winterthur. Please take note of our general terms and conditions.
What you need to purchase a membership:
- valid employee card
- personal identification document (ID, passport, driving license)
- photo/selfie
Here you will find the online application form.
- Employees who are also enrolled in a university degree programme do not need to purchase membership for ZHAW employees, as membership for students is acquired automatically and invoiced as part of the semester fees.
- End of contract at ZHAW: If your contract at ZHAW ends and your Switch AAI Login is deactivated you can get an ASVZ ID via e-mail ( for the remaining period.
Employees ZHdK
Costs: CHF 300.- per year
The membership can be bought/extended online or at the ASVZ info desk in our Sport Center Polyterrasse or Winterthur. Please take note of our general terms and conditions.
What you need to purchase a card:
- valid employee card
- personal identification document (ID, passport, driving license)
- photo/selfie
Here you will find the online application form.
Trainees ZHAW, ZHdK
Retired employees ZHAW, ZHdK
Costs: CHF 300.- per year
The membership can be bought/extended online or at the ASVZ info desk in our Sport Center Polyterrasse or Winterthur. Please take note of our general terms and conditions.
What you need to purchase a card:
- confirmation of retirement
- personal identification document (ID, passport, driver's license)
- photo/selfie
Here you will find the online application form.
The existing membership can be extended via ASVZ counter (login with your ASVZ-ID) withouth having to submit the documents again.
Costs: CHF 300.- per year
The membership can be bought/extended online or at the ASVZ info desk in our Sport Center Polyterrasse or Winterthur. Please take note of our general terms and conditions.
What you need to purchase a membership:
- valid employee card
- personal identification document (ID, passport, driver's license)
- photo/selfie
Here you will find the online application form.
Retired employees
Costs: CHF 300.- per year
The membership can be bought/extended online or at the ASVZ info desk in our Sport Center Polyterrasse or Winterthur. Please take note of our general terms and conditions.
What you need to purchase a membership:
- confirmation of retirement
- personal identification document (ID, passport, driver's license)
- photo/selfie
Here you will find the online application form.
The existing membership can be extended via ASVZ counter (login with your ASVZ-ID) withouth having to submit the documents again.
Costs: CHF 300.-
The membership can be bought/extended online or at the ASVZ info desk in our Sport Center Polyterrasse or Winterthur. Please take note of our general terms and conditions.
What you need to purchase a membership:
- personal identification document (ID, passport, driver's license)
- confirmation employment or employee card
- confirmation spin-off containing the year of formation (not older than 3 years)
- photo/selfie
Here you will find the online application form for employees of ETH spin-offs.
Here you will find the online application form for employees of UZH spin-offs.
Here you will find the online application form for employees of ZHAW spin-offs.
Costs: CHF 300.-
Employees, trainees and lecturers of the FFHS located in Zurich are eligible to participate.
The membership can be bought/extended online or at the ASVZ info desk in our Sport Center Polyterrasse or Winterthur. Please take note of our general terms and conditions.
What you need to purchase a membership:
- personal identification document (ID, passport, driver's license)
- photo/selfie
Here you will find the online application form.
Employees / Retired employees
Costs: CHF 300.- per year
The membership can be bought/extended online or at the ASVZ info desk in our Sport Center Polyterrasse or Winterthur. Please take note of our general terms and conditions.
What you need to purchase a membership:
- valid employee card / confirmation of retirement
- personal identification document (ID, passport, driver's license)
- photo/selfie
Here you will find the online application form for employees.
Here you will find the online application form for retired employees.
- University Hospital Zurich (USZ) *
- Balgrist University Hospital
- Children’s University Hospital
- Psychiatric University Hospital
* Contribution to the fee for the membership: The USZ supports its trainees and employees with a partial refund. No refund of USZ if the wage payment is paid by UZH (Employees UZH).
Employees / Trainees
Costs: CHF 700.- per year
The membership can be bought/extended online or at the ASVZ info desk in our Sport Center Polyterrasse or Winterthur. Please take note of our general terms and conditions.
What you need to purchase a membership:
- valid employee card (badge)
- personal identification document (ID, passport, driver's license)
- photo/selfie
Here you will find the online application form for employees.
Here you will find the online application form for trainees.
Retired employees
Costs: CHF 700.- per year
The membership can be bought/extended online or at the ASVZ info desk in our Sport Center Polyterrasse or Winterthur. Please take note of our general terms and conditions.
What you need to purchase a membership:
- confirmation of retirement
- personal identification document (ID, passport, driver's license)
- photo/selfie
Here you will find the online application form.
The existing membership can be extended via ASVZ counter (login with your ASVZ-ID) withouth having to submit the documents again.
Graduates of:
- Swiss universities (Bachelor (BSc, BA), Master (MSc, MA), PhD)
- Swiss universitites of applied sciences *
- Foreign universities and universitites of applied sciences (Bachelor (BSc, BA), Master (MSc, MA))
The following guidelines apply to an ASVZ eligibility as alumna / alumnus:
- ASVZ membership: The entitlement to participate can be bought online or at the ASVZ info desk in our Sport Center Polyterrasse or Winterthur (validity with immediate effect possible).
- Alumni-Associations: Please note that a membership in an Alumni network is not sufficient to become a member of the ASVZ. A diploma must be shown.
- Extension: 4-8 weeks before the membership expires, all alumni receive an e-mail as a reminder for their extension. You can either extend it online or in one of our ASVZ info desks.
This offer is valid only within 6 month from the date on your diploma of your first final degree (Bachelor/Master)*. The date of the diploma and the date of the online application are decisive. Please take note of our general terms and conditions
Costs: CHF 425.- per year
What you need to purchase a membership:
- academic degree
- personal identification document (ID, passport, driver's license)
- photo/selfie
Here you will find the online application form.
*not for PhD/MAS/MBA
Costs: CHF 700.- per year
Please take note of our general terms and conditions
What you need to purchase a membership:
- academic degree
- personal identification document (ID, passport, driver's license)
- photo/selfie
Here you will find the online application form.
ASVZspezial 2
Costs: CHF 1200.- for 2 years
Please take note of our general terms and conditions
What you need to purchase a membership:
- academic degree
- personal identification document (ID, passport, driver's license)
- photo/selfie
Here you'll find the online application form.
Costs: CHF 25'000 for a lifetime
Please contact us.
You will receive a donation receipt.
- of students ETHZ, UZH, ZFH (ZHAW, PHZH, ZHdK), HfH, KME
- of trainees, employees, pensioners (ETHZ, UZH, ZFH (ZHAW, PHZH, ZHdK), HfH
- of alumni
- A partner card can only be bought for a married or cohabiting partner.
- One partner must have a student card or a valid ASVZ annual membership.
- Cohabiting partner: You must live together.
- Please take note of our general terms and conditions
Costs: CHF 700.- per year
What you need to purchase a membership:
- evidence of partners ASVZ membership
- certificates of registration* of both partners or certificates of residence (not older than 6 months) of both partners
marriage certificate / certificate of civil partnership - personal identification document (ID, passport, driver's license)
- photo/selfie
Here you will find the online application form.
* You receive this upon registering in the city of municipality of residence. It is called “Meldebestätigung” in German.
Would you like to get to know the wide and varied range of ASVZ sports activities or have you not been a member for more than three years? Do you want to see what it’s like at the ASVZ before you buy an annual membership? The trial membership gives you access to all the ASVZ activities for a limited amount of time at a low price. Excluded from the trial membership are the course and camp offers, as well as fee-based offers (e.g. sauna admissions or Juniors Club).
To be eligible for ASVZ membership, you must fulfill certain requirements. Your eligibility will be checked when you buy an annual ASVZ membership.
3 days CHF 30
1 month (30 days) CHF 100
If you apply for an annual ASVZ membership within two weeks after expiration of your trial membership, you can have your annual membership extended by the same amount of time (3 resp. 30 days) as your trial membership lasted. To do this, please buy your ASVZ membership and then inform us at We will then extend your membership accordingly.
Trial memberships can be bought through the online application form or at the Info Desk. Please take note of our General Conditions of Contract (GCC). You can only start booking sports activities online once the trial membership is activated.
In order to complete the online application, you will need electronic versions of the following documents:
- photo/selfie
- personal identification document (ID, passport or driver’s license)
Here you will find the online application form for the three-day trial membership.
Here you will find the online application form for the 30-day trial membership.
The ASVZ@home membership includes access to all ASVZ livestream lessons. Physical participation in ASVZ sports program on site is not possible with this membership.
1 year CHF 60.- for students (except students ETHZ, UZH, ZFH and Universities of Switzerland) and employees.
1 year CHF 100.- for alumnae/alumni and partners
The membership can be purchased via the online application form or at the infodesk. The general terms and conditions apply.
For the online application form you should have the following documents available electronically:
- Proof of eligibility (see list above)
- Photo/selfie
- Personal identification document (ID, passport, driver's license)
Here you can find the online application form for the membership ASVZ@home (students and employees).
Here you can find the online application form for the membership ASVZ@home (alumnae/alumni and spouses or cohabiting partners).